Friday, August 3, 2007

Movie Super-Synopsis# 2

Reservoir Dogs




-Lord Vile, right hand man for High Lord Kururu

Reservoir Dogs is a Tarantino film.

Which means

1. Someone will be tortured

2. Someone will refer to something sexual

3. Someone is guaranteed to die

It stars an all-star cast as most of his do including, Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Steve Buscemi, Lawrence Tierney, Chris Penn, Eddie Bunker, & Michael Madsen

The movie, being a Tarantino, is told half in action & half in confusion & half in flashbacks!

So I'll try to piece it together linearally for ya'.

First, Joe hires a bunch of thugs to do his biggest job yet, robbing a jewelry store w/ expensive diamonds from some distant country, Israel, I think.

This is Joe

Dont let the old fool you, he'll go crazy on your ass!

He hires his old buds, Lawrence Dimmick & Vic Vega (whom he'll help out w/ his jerk parole officer) for it along w/ Misters Brown, Blue, & Pink. He also finds a cheap work thief who is now Mr Orange. Mr Orange tells them an amusing anecdote of how he almost got caught by 4 sherrifs & a German shepard while holding the MJ for his buddy. Also, Joes son, Eddy, is in on the scheme, helping his "daddy" to prove he's no screw-up.

Heres a helpful face index for ya'

They all meet in a warehouse that will later be the entire setting of the film. They're assigned names to ensure that no one is able to rat them out, namewise. Larry becomes Mr White & Vic, Mr Blonde (somehow blonde is a color)
Mr Pink doesnt like his name & whines why he's Pink
Joe says hes a "derogatory name for a gay person that starts w/ f"
Mr Brown is equally disgruntled as Mr Brown is "too close to Mr Shit"
They continue planning & later go to a diner on the morning of the big hit. Brown muses that Madonna's "Like a Virgin" is about a girl who gets rammed real hard, while Joe peruses on about an old name he found in an old address book but cant quite remember the full name. Mr White snatches Joes book because the rabble begins to annoy him. They all pitch in on the tip except for Pink, who goes on his signature diatribes on tipping & his point on how its "for the birds." Joe comes back & tells Pink to put done a dollar for the tip & he does ("only because you paid for the meal")
They go into the store & get busted. Someone ratted them out & the police have been waiting for them. All except Blue escape, as he gets shot to death. White, & Orange leave w/ Brown. Brown gets shot by the cops but keeps driving till he runs into a pole. White & Orange try to carjack a woman who shoots Orange in the gut. Blonde escapes through an exit & through a mall. Pink runs like a girl & steals a car.
White comforts Orange as they get to the rendevous, the warehouse. Pink shows up & yells at White, adamant that one of them is a rat. White & Pink fight, Orange goes unconscious, & they eventually pull guns on each other. Blonde emerges from a corner, &, as usual, pisses everyone off with his mordant language & calm attitude. And he also shot several hostages that set of the alarms. They all call him a "psycho." Blonde convinves them not to leave as Eddy will show up soon. In the meantime, Blonde kidnapped a cop & they all wail on him to try to see if he knows who the rat is.
Eddie shows up & yells at them for doing this & saying there is no rat...they just suck at their day job. White & Pink leave w/ Eddie to get rid of the many cars out front & retrieve the few diamonds Pink got away with.
Blonde goes psycho on the cop when he accidentally refers to his boss. Blonde says he doesn't have a "boss" & proceeds to talk about how hes gonna torture him. He does. He actually cuts his face, saws his ear off, & douses him w/ gas. He's about to light him on fire w/ a match when Orange wakes up & fills his chest w/ an internal lead coffin. Orange talks to the cop, Marvin Nash, & reveals that Nash did know who the rat was...
Mr Orange himself.
Earlier, Orange rehearsed the anecdote w/ his buddy who assigned him this mission. He's seen at his house, pressuring himself saying "they dont know anything 'cause your super cool. Your f'in Baretta." Orange tells Nash that they're both screwed until Joe gets there & the cops are waiting for Joe before they'll move. Eddie & Co. return to see one corpse, the cut-up cop, & Orange.
Orange explains the simple backstory but also says that Blonde was gonna kill the rest of them & steal the jewels himself.
Eddie knows he's lying because Blonde is a close friend of the Cabots (Joe & Eddie) & shoots Nash
Joe shows up in the storyline & accuses Orange of bein' the rat as "He's the only one I wasn't 100% on." White pulls a gun on Joe & Eddie one on White. Eddie starts yelling, esp. "Larry, stop pointing that f'in gun at my dad"
If you are confused, everything that i type next is the canon, Tarantino-approved truth
They rabble then
1. Joe shoots Orange in chest
2. White shoots Joe in chest
3. Eddie shoots White in leg
4. White shoots Eddie in chest
5. Eddie shoots White in gut
Pink runs off w/ the diamonds & (you can hear it if you really try) he is caught by the cops. White stumbles over to Orange whos fadin fast. Orange tells him "I'm a cop..."
The fuzz busts in & it zooms in on White as he shoots Orange in the head & the police take him down afterward. Down to the "deep south"
the End
Samuel L. Jackson was supposed to Orange but Roth the part instead. This is why Sammie got a written part in Pulp Fiction. White is related to Jimmy Dimmick (the coffee guy) from Pulp Fiction who is actually Tarantino. Blonde is related to Vincent Vega (bros) from the same. Roth, Tarantino, & Keitel show up in there as minor characters. The part of the torture scene where Blonde pulls the razor from his boot is mirrored in Kill Bill
No I dont just do family movies.
Next time, Pulp Fiction
If you dont believe me wiki or imdb it.

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