Friday, October 12, 2007

Something New, Exciting, and Recent!


The Super-Kickass crossover series from DC that I dont own!

So many questions though!

Who is the New God Killer?

The answer!



1. Look at him!

2. He recently stole the Emerald Eye

3. He's killed a New God before (see Devilance)


Prove me wrong, then I'll believe u!
_Kyle David Herberger-Sullivan I

Where is Ray Palmer?

I've not tried to speculate on this one but most clues seem to point towards

Kingdom Come.

This would explain the "KC" Superman's Atom tattoo!

Why Jokester had one I'll never know!

But this is set to be revealed around Countdown# 20-18ish

What's goin down w/ Catwoman II and Harley Quinn?

I dont care. They seem to be lagging anyways. Chain 'em together like Trickster and Piper and have them fight...i dunno'...

Brimstone or...

the new evil Mary Marvel!

Or some other Apokaliptian thing or maybe those 4 new Horsemen they made!

Piper and Trickster

It's been hinted that one will "become a drag..."
That translates whether to one them dying or Piper's constant whining which may indeed lead to my first guess.

My guess is it's Piper, Trickster isn't foolish enough to get killed!

And a bunch of other stuff!

If this doesn't entertain u then DR TRAN will
I dont own Dr Tran, but if I did I would be rich and that would KICK ASS!